Some cool Psychological Facts You Must Know
2 min readFeb 14, 2021
- The last person we think about before we go to sleep, is the source of our pain or our happiness
- Getting someone to do you a favour, makes them like you more.
- Chewing gum can relieve stress.
- The people who like the window seat, when they travel, like to be alone.(Also Many tall peoples likes to )
- Any friendship, that was made in the period between 18–24 Y.o, is more likely to be long lasting.
- Pretending you don’t ave feelings such as; anger, loneliness or sadness, can mentally destroy you.
- The mood where everything irritates you, is an indicator you miss someone.
- You can’t change anyone, their actions, words or feelings. However you can change yours.
- People don’t listen to the smartest person in the room, they listen to the one who act’s as if they know what’s right.
- After 3/4 months of having a crush on someone, you either fall in love or find someone new.
- Our brains remember the negatives, rather than the positives. This helps us to better protect ourselves.
- Hitting snooze on your alarm can actually make you more tired, than getting up straight away.
- Cuteness inspires aggression, which is why, we have the desire to squeeze things that are cute.
- If someone is talking to you about a problem, unless they directly ask, they don’t want a solution. Rather, someone to listen.
- Creative people get bored easier.
- Those that give you the best advice, are those with the most problems.
- When someone says ‘I hate you’ or curses you. They really mean ‘you hurt me’.
- The larger your signature, the larger your self esteem.
- The smaller your handwriting, the less open you are to conversation.
- No matter how hard you try. You can never remember how your dreams started.
- If you talk to someone in their second, or non native language. You talk to their brain. Talk to them, in their native language and you talk to their heart.
- Smart people tend to underestimate themselves. (Lol, that explains it!)
- Marrying your best friend decreases divorce by 70%
- You look more attractive when you talk about something you are really interested in.
- Comedians and funny people, are actually more depressed than others.
- Liars detect lies better than others.
- The more you talk about someone. The more you fall in love with them.
- When telling a lie, adding an embarrassing story or element, makes it seem more believable.
- When someone is telling a lie, they move their hands a lot. This is what people do when telling a story!
- Most people die in their sleep at 3–4am. Your body is apparently at it’s weakest.
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